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  • Writer's picturesabrinadavis2

Back to School Time!


WANT some ideas to help your family be SUCCESSFUL this fall and school year?

Here are SOME TIPS to getting everyone back on track for the school year!

1. Start changing bedtimes the week before the 1st day back. Kids need time to adjust and need their sleep to be successful!

2. School shopping for supplies and a new outfit, if possible, to help build some excitement about going back to school! Or buy these things and show them to your child at home to help them to start to prepare for the change. Also consider consider doing this as soon as possible so that the supplies are not picked over. Shopping before August 1 is always advised.

3. Do one or two fun things to wrap up the summer. Maybe just going to a park that you haven't been to in a while or go to the city pool. You could try a picnic or the creek as well. Doing something special to end the summer is always fun!

4. Consider taking the day off of work the day before the kids go back to school. This will help you to prep for the following day and reduces the stress for everyone at home.

5. Make sure the take your kids to their open house and meet the teacher opportunities. If you want to call the school to request to schedule a separate time to visit other than open house, as it may be way too much stimulation for your child, that is often welcomed by schools. Get ready for a great year to team with your child's educators!

If you, your child, or anyone in your family is in need of support to THRIVE we would love to talk to you to see if we have the perfect fit to meet these needs. We offer TUTORING (pre-K-college), a variety of THERAPIES ( OT, PT, and Speech/Language), BEHAVIOR management, life COACHING (weight management, parenting/special needs PARENTING, career, diabetic, tobacco cessation, and nutrition), COUNSELING, and ALTERNATIVE HEALTH options (yoga, hypnosis, and other healing options). Please reach out for your FREE CONSULTATION. Call or text 417-295-7079 or email

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